Today when Brieanna went to see what Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, had for her she got Jewel Of The Sewers. You don't even have to leave Dalaran for this one, it is right down in the sewers.
This had me heading down to my spot at The Black Market in the Dalaran sewers. I have a spot I always go to and have good luck at. I started fishing and got my piece of Corroded Jewelry in 9 casts. I usually get it in 10 casts or less so that was right on track. I got some other stuff too, it is like a medical waste dump down there, I got some empty vials, a couple drowned rats, the usual.
I took the Corroded Jewelry and headed back up to see Marcia. I turned the piece of Corroded Jewelry over to her and she gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures for my trouble. Today my Bag of Fishing Treasures had 10g16s73c, 4 Pygmy Oil, 2 Solid Gold Coins and 2 Runic Mana Potions. Not the best day of fishing but the rewards from this usually aren't that great, I guess that's what makes the good stuff seem so great when you finally get it.