I live in New England, on the Northeast Coast of the United States.
I have been playing World of Warcraft since December 1st 2006 and I reside on the Aman'Thul Oceanic server. My Battlegroup is Bloodlust.
I only play Alliance and I currently have a level 85 Feral Druid, Wranngar, a level 85 Demon/Dest Lock, Gomorra, a level 85 BM/SV Hunter, Brieanna, a level 85 Holy/Shadow Priest, Brieonna, a level 85 Elemental Shaman, Breeonna, and a level 55 Fire Mage, Shealin.
I used to PvP a lot but lately have been doing dungeons instead. I really enjoy doing dungeons and have made my later characters based on what I want for dungeons and speccing them based on what I need in dungeons.
I did the same daily's today on Gomorra that I did yesterday, everything in Shattered Sun. I might log onto Wranngar later and do the ones I do on him, not sure. I made about 92g95s on Gomorra's daily's.
Gomorra is a Human Warlock, spec'd 5/31/0. He's spec'd to be a Master Demonologist. Gomorra reached 70 in a little over 49 days /played. He is my first character.
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Wranngar (Wrann)
Wranngar is a Night Elf Druid spec'd Feral, 0/32/9. Wranngar reached 70 in a little over 23 days /played. He is my second character. I leveled this character with a friend, Axeelina. Axeelina is a Human Warrior Hybrid spec.
Current Level: 85
Professions: Leatherworking - 525 Skinning - 525
Secondary Skills: Cooking - 525 First Aid - 525 Fishing - 525 Riding - 300
Titles: - Ambassador - Chef - Jenkins - of the Alliance - the Explorer - the Patient
Brieanna is a Night Elf Hunter, spec'd 31/2/3 - 3/2/31. She's spec'd to be Beast Master/Survival. Brieanna reached 70 in 11 days /played and 80 in 15 days /played.
Current Level: 85
Professions: Herbalism - 525 Skinning - 525
Secondary Skills: Cooking - 525 First Aid - 525 Fishing - 525 Riding - 375
Since I hit 80 it seems like I spend most my time doing daily's.
I'll keep this blog updated with tips and pointers based on my experiences (as well as any information I come across) in PvE, Instances, step by step walkthroughs of the daily's I seem to spend all my time doing these days and any Warcraft news I come across.
I play only Alliance so my views might seem a little one sided. Everyone welcome to comment.
System Spec's
I play World of Warcraft on a Dell Dimension E521 with an AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ 2.00 GHz with 3G of RAM and an ATI Radeon XFX 1GB GDDR2 video card on a 32 bit Vista O/S.
I am not going to say more about Vista except it is definitely not my favorite operating system.
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