Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Daily Cooking 6/3/08

I did the daily cooking quest on both Wranngar and Gomorra today, it was Soup for the Soul again. I got all the meat I needed for both while I was doing Gaining the Advantage in Nagrand on Wranngar. I flew over and cooked it up on Wranngar then turned it in and logged onto Gomorra and did it again. I picked Crate of Meat on both. Wranngar got Chunk o' Basiliskx7, Buzzard Meatx5 and a pair of Patchwork Gloves while Gomorra got Buzzard Meatx8, Raptor Ribsx8 and a Torn Furry Ear. No new recipe again today and nothing really special. They both also received 7g59s.


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