Today I got Cheese for Glowergold for my daily cooking and The Ghostfish for my daily fishing on Wranngar. These took me so long to do today that I didn't have time to do any on Gomorra.
I did Cheese for Glowergold first. That had me running all over Dalaran looking for Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses. It took me quite awhile to get the 6 I needed, I hate this quest. When I finally had the 6 Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses I headed over to One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran to get a piece of Aged Dalaran Limburger. That actually went quick, I got there and it was sitting on the table outside. I combined them into a wine and cheese platter and headed over to see Glowergold.
I delivered the platter to Glowergold in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag. My Small Spice Bag had 4 Northern Spices and 5 Old Spices in it, not a bad haul today.
After that I was off to Sholazar Basin to try and catch the elusive Phantom Ghostfish. I'm not sure what the problem was today but it took me forever to get one. I went to my usual spot up top and a little Northeast (48,55) of the flight path to fish. I usually have my Ghostfish in 10 casts or less but today it took 27 casts to get one. When I finally had one I ate it right away as you only have 60 seconds from the time you loot it before it disappears. Eating it put me into a state called Invisibility. When you go into Invisibility all the mobs around you disappear. I am not sure if they can see you, I would assume not as you are 'invisible' but you never know. This state lasts for 15 seconds. I headed back to Dalaran to tell Marcia Chase I had solved the mystery and she gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures.
Today my Bag of Fishing Treasures had 10g39s88c, 4 Pygmy Oil and a Sealed Vial of Poison in it. I really like getting the Vial of Sealed Poison because it starts another quest that only takes a few seconds and pays 13g23s.
I opened the Sealed Vial of Poison and accepted the quest to go and deliver it to Alchemist Cinesra at the Black Market in the Underbelly, Dalaran's sewers. All I had to do was run down there, give him the Sealed Vial of Poison and he gave me 13g23s, quest done. Pretty easy 13g23s if you ask me.
While I was in the Underbelly I found 2 Underbelly Elixirs. These do random things to you when you drink them. The first one I drank turned everyone else into mages, the second one I drank turned me into a firefly. I have at least a dozen of these in the bank I haven't gotten around to drinking yet. One day I will drink them one at a time and see what different things happen.

I delivered the platter to Glowergold in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag. My Small Spice Bag had 4 Northern Spices and 5 Old Spices in it, not a bad haul today.

Today my Bag of Fishing Treasures had 10g39s88c, 4 Pygmy Oil and a Sealed Vial of Poison in it. I really like getting the Vial of Sealed Poison because it starts another quest that only takes a few seconds and pays 13g23s.

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