Monday, December 14, 2009

Daily Cooking - Infused Mushroom Meatloaf 12/13/09

Today Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, had Infused Mushroom Meatloaf for my daily cooking. This is a nice easy one you don't have to leave Dalaran for as long as you keep some meat on hand.

First off I headed down into the sewers to pick Infused Mushrooms, I needed 4. I got them pretty quick, it seems like less people are doing the daily cooking lately. With those in hand I headed back up to the bank for a couple pieces of Chilled Meat. I made a fire and cooked that up with the mushrooms to make my meatloaf.

I took that over to Orton Bennet upstairs at Curiosities and Moore and exchanged it for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award, a Small Spice Bag with 3 Northern Spices and 5 Baby Spice in it. Nothing to write home about but about the best I can expect from this daily as I have already gotten everything else it has to offer. I am just doing it for the Northern Spices now.


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