Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mustard Dogs - Daily Cooking 2/01/10

Today when I went to see Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, she had Mustard Dogs! for the daily cooking quest. The surprising thing is I did it on Brieanna who is only level 67, not even high enough to be in Northrend, let alone Dalaran.

As usual, this had me running around Dalaran picking Wild Mustard. I got the first two from the back of A Hero's Welcome and the other two around other grassy parts of the city. Once I had the 4 I needed I headed over to the bank and grabbed 4 pieces of Rhino Meat to make the Rhino Dogs this recipe calls for. I cooked them up right in the bank lobby and combined them with the Wild Mustard in the Empty Picnic Basket to make a Mustard Dog Basket!.

I took that over to Archmage Pentarus (68,41) at Krasus' Landing and exchanged it for 3g80s, (Evidently you don't get as much gold at level 67 but I did get experience) a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 2 Northern Spices and 5 Baby Spice in it. Not a bad haul for her first daily cooking quest.


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