Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Daily Fishing - Dangerously Delicious 3/9/10

Today when Brieanna went to see Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, for her daily fishing quest she got... Can you guess? Dangerously Delicious again. None of the daily's changed from yesterday.

This had me taking the flight path from Dalaran to Wintergrasp, the combat zone. Once there I started fishing right by where you land. It didn't take me long again today to get the 10 Terrorfish I needed, less than 5 minutes. I didn't see any Horde while I was there again today.

I hearthed back to Dalaran and took the Terrorfish over to Marcia. She gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures in exchange for them. Today it had 10g64s61c, 3 Pygmy Oil, 2 Solid Gold Coins and 3 Deviate Fish in it. Not a great return on this one today.


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