Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sewer Stew - Daily Cooking 3/14/10

Today Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, had Sewer Stew for Brieanna. This is the only daily you have to leave Dalaran to complete, assuming you have some meat on hand for the daily's. As I always keep plenty of meat on hand for my daily's I only had to leave to get the Crystalsong Carrots this recipe calls for.

This had me taking the Violet Gate down to Crystalsong Forest. When I got there I flew over until I was at the ruins directly below Dalaran. I got my 4 Crystalsong Carrots pretty quick today, there was no one else doing it at the time. I took the gate back up to Dalaran and headed over to the bank to grab 4 pieces of Chilled Meat to complete the ingredients for my stew. I built a fire and cooked up my Vegetable Stew.

I took the Vegetable Stew down and delivered it to Ajay Green at the Cantrips and Crows Tavern in the Underbelly in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 3 Northern Spices in it. An ok haul for today considering I had to leave Dalaran to complete it.


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