Sunday, June 1, 2008

Daily Fishing - Gomorra 5/31/08

I got the daily fishing quest done on Gomorra just a little while before the day rolled over for daily's. It was Shrimpin' Ain't Easy, despite it's name, a pretty easy quest that took me all of 10 minutes to complete. I had never had this one before so that was kind of nice. I flew to Zangarmarsh and caught what I needed in Umnrafen Lake. In my Bag of Fishing Treasures I got: 7g36s30c, Recipe: Captain Rumsey's Lager, Elixir of Water Walkingx3 and a Broken Spyglass. The recipe is one of the reasons I am doing the daily fishing quest even though most days the rewards aren't much, I was pretty happy to get it, it is one of the better rewards.


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