Monday, November 16, 2009

Daily Cooking - Convention at the Legerdemain 11/16/09

The daily cooking today was a nice easy one, Convention at the Legerdemain. I got 4 Chilled Meat out of the bank, getting low on those, will have to go hunting soon, and cooked up some Northern Stew. Once I had that in hand I headed over to One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran, and got a Jug of Wine. I found it upstairs today. I took that over to Arille Azuregaze, the bartender at The Legerdemain and exchanged it for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 6 Northern Spices in it. Not a bad haul today.

The daily fishing was The Ghostfish again, for the third day in a row, and I skipped it again, for the third day in a row. I didn't feel like wasting the time to fly all the way out ot Sholazar Basin to catch one. If it is still The Ghostfish tomorrow I will do it and hunt up some Chilled Meat while I am there.


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