Monday, March 31, 2008
Alterac Valley 3/30/08

Alterac Valley,
Arathi Basin 3/29/08
Had 3 battles on Wranngar in Arathi Basin tonight, 2 wins 1 loss. It was my daily. Alliance still seems to do well in AB. It is my second favorite battleground.
Arathi Basin,
Alterac Valley 3/29/08
Had 11 battles in AV tonight. I was on Wranngar. We had some wins and some losses. 4 wins and 7 losses to be exact. The Alliance is not consistent in their strategies. When everyone works together we have little trouble getting all our objectives and moving on to Drek. (Except for the occasional forgetting to cap TP & IBT)
Alterac Valley,
Arathi Basin 3/28/08
Had 2 wins and one loss on Wranngar in Arathi Basin tonight. Alliance seems to be pretty steady in AB.
Arathi Basin,
Eye of the Storm 3/28/08
Still trying to get caught up on posts. Only got in to do 2 battles in EoS tonight, one win and one loss. It was my daily. I did these on Wranngar.
Alterac Valley 3/28/08
I am liking AV a lot more since they moved the Horde starting point back in 2.4. The Alliance is winning again in AV! I played Wranngar tonight. We had 4 wins and 3 losses tonight. The "Rush FWGY to FWRH then towers and Drek seems to be working pretty well except when Tower Point and Iceblood Tower don't get capped leaving us with 2 extra Warmasters to fight.
Alterac Valley,
Alterac Valley - 3/18/08

In the other 2 games we lost we had a good offense going but with not enough people. We captured Iceblood & Frostwolf Graveyards, and were in the process of capping the Frostwolf east & west towers, when we ran out of resources in one game and the Horde killed Vann in the other.
In the game we won we had a large strong offense that went directly to Frostwolf Graveyard and capped that. We moved forward to the towers and Frostwolf relief hut. The people that were killed in the initial run to Frostwolf Graveyard came along after and capped Iceblood Tower and Tower Point along with killing Galv.
The strategies I have seen work most often are when the Alliance stay together in one group and assault either Iceblood Graveyard or Frostwolf Graveyard.
When assaulting Iceblood Graveyard it is important for everyone to ride up to the flag before dismounting to fight. We are trying to capture Iceblood Graveyard, not the road to Iceblood Graveyard. It is important to wait until it caps before moving onto Iceblood Tower, Tower Point and Galv. The biggest mistake that Alliance makes, and makes a lot, is moving on to the towers and leaving only one or two people to defend Iceblood Graveyard. The Horde realize this is an important graveyard and will mount an attack to get it back. With only one or two people defending that graveyard is usually lost. Once Iceblood Graveyard caps move on to the towers and Galv while sending people (there should be a good size offense by now) ahead to capture Frostwolf Graveyard. I think Frostwolf Graveyard is important because it keeps the Horde from resurrecting too close when they are trying to defend Drek'Thar at the end. After assaulting Frostwolf Graveyard send some forward to towers and Frostwolf Relief Hut while leaving a few behind to guard Frostwolf Graveyard. After Relief Hut and Towers cap, take out Drek :)
When assaulting Frostwolf Graveyard it is important to leave a good group behind to defend it while moving on to the East & West Towers and Frostwolf Relief Hut. Once Frostwolf Graveyard caps send some people back to capture Tower Point and Iceblood Tower. They can group up after towers cap and kill Galv. After Relief Hut and Towers cap, take out Drek :)
Those are the strategies I have seen work most often. I have never seen turtling at Stonehearth Graveyard result in a win.
Snowfall Graveyard is also an important Graveyard to control in the beginning of the game to keep everyone that gets killed forward from resurrecting back at Stormpike Graveyard.
Alterac Valley,
Alterac Valley

The next problem with Alterac Valley is the bottle neck at Icewing Bunker. When the Horde is in possesion of Stonehearth Graveyard they can effectively hold the Alliance from progressing past Icewing Bunker. The Horde resurrect at Stonehearth while the Alliance get sent back to Stormpike Graveyard to resurrect , quite a distance further from Icewing Bunker than Stonehearth Graveyard.
The Objective of winning in Alterac Valley boils down to holding/capturing resources and/or killing the opposing factions Commander.
The biggest problem the Alliance have in Alterac Valley is their inability to work together as a team. In 9 out of 10 battles I have been in, the Alliance players break off into small groups or single people going after multiple objectives while the Horde travel in a large group, going for a single objective, overtaking and defeating the smaller groups of Alliance. The Horde keeping in a larger organized group usually have no problem capturing their objectives and defeating the Alliance in Alterac Valley. In the battles I have been in when the Alliance has banded together and worked toward a common goal they usually come out victorious or at least obtain the majority of their objectives.
I will have future posts on strategies, both proven and theory, to help the Alliance win in Alterac Valley.
I look forward to hearing from Horde players about their opinions, comments and strategies for Alterac Valley.
Alterac Valley
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