Saturday, October 31, 2009
Brieanna - Grand Master First Aid 10/31/09

Dangerously Delicious and Cheese for Golwergold 10/30/09
I got on Wranngar just in time to do the daily fishing and cooking again before they rolled over. The cooking was Cheese for Glowergold, no surprise there, and the fishing was Dangerously Delicious.
As usual I did the cooking first. I got 5 of the Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses I needed before I even left the Inn and got the 6th one at the Legerdemain. Then I ran over to One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran, and got the Aged Dalaran Limburger which was just sitting there waiting for me when I walked in. I combined them on the supplied platter then headed off to see Ranid Glowergold (36,28) at the Leatherworkers in the Magus Commerce Exchange. When I gave him the Wine & Cheese Platter he gave me 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 5 Northern Spices in it. Not a bad haul today.
I did the fishing next which had me heading to Wintergrasp. I took the flight path out of Dalaran and got there in a couple minutes. There was no one around and I got the 10 Terrorfish I needed in 18 casts. I headed back to Dalaran to hand them in to Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran in exchange for a Bag of Fishing Treasures. Today it had 10g75s58c, a Glow Worm and a Tower Key which I sold to a vendor for 16g66s66c. Not bad a haul from the fishing today either. I am still waiting to get the Jeweled Fishing Pole and High Test Eternium Fishing Line from this one so I will keep plugging away at it.
I will get back on later and do today's daily's.

I will get back on later and do today's daily's.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Daily Fishing and Cooking 10/29/09
I got on Wranngar right before the daily's rolled over and just had time to do the daily fishing and cooking. The fishing was The Ghostfish and the cooking was Mustard Dogs!.
As usual I did the cooking first which had me running all over Dalaran picking Wild Mustard. It didn't take me long at all to get the 4 I needed, I think everyone else had already done it. I headed back to the bank when I had the 4 I needed and grabbed some Rhino Meat to make the Rhino Dogs. Once I had them cooked I combined them with the mustard to make a Mustard Dog Basket!. I took that and delivered it to Archmage Pentarus (68,41) at Krasus' Landing in exchange for 9g93s, 2 Dalaran Cooking Awards and a Small Spice Bag with 3 Northern Spices in it. Not a bad haul today.
Seeing as I was already at the flight point I headed over to Sholazar Basin to do the daily fishing. I flew to my spot up top, a little Northeast of the flight point, and started fishing. Because I was in a hurry to get this done before the daily's rolled over it took me 21 casts to get my Phantom Ghostfish, but get it I finally did. I ate it right away because you only have 60 seconds to eat it before it disappears, then headed back to tell Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran what I found out. She was pretty excited and gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures which today had 10g24s9c, 3 Pygmy Oil and 3 Worthless Pieces of Orange Glass in it. Not a great haul on this one today.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Finally A Different Cooking Daily 10/28/09
I got on Wranngar tonight and grabbed the daily cooking and fishing. The cooking today was Infused Mushroom Meatloaf for a change. It seems like every time I got on it was Cheese for Glowergold, my least favorite. The last 5 times as a matter of fact. The daily fishing was Blood Is Thicker which is also another easy one.
I did the cooking first as usual. That had me heading down into the sewers in search of Infused Mushrooms. It didn't take me long to get the 4 I needed although it seemed like a lot of other people were running around picking them too. Once I had the 4 Infused Mushrooms I needed I headed over to the bank to grab some Chilled Meat to cook them with. I cooked them up and delivered my meatloaf to Orton Bennet upstairs at Curiosities and Moore in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 4 Northern Spices in it. Not too bad a haul today.
I did the fishing next. I headed over to Un'upe then flew straight inshore until I saw a Marsh Caribou to kill. I killed him and got covered in blood then flew back to the shore and jumped in the water creating a blood pool. I fished in the blood pool until I had 5 Bloodtooth Frenzy. Once I had those I flew back to hand them in to Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran in exchange for a Bag of Fishing Treasures. Today my Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g56s54c, a Glow Worm, an Unusual Compass and 4 Deviate Fish. I have certainly had better days fishing. You know what they say though, "A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day of Cheese for Glowergold". I sold the Unusual Compass to a vendor for 2 gold so at least I got something out of it.
I headed off to do the rest of my daily's after that, starting with the Knights of the Ebon Blade which had me heading over to the Shadow Vault. I picked up Leave Our Mark, Vile Like Fire! and Shoot 'Em Up there, then headed over to Deaths Rise to get From Their Corpses, Rise!, No Fly Zone and Intelligence Gathering. All in all these 6 don't take me long as long as I don't waste time trying to get the documents for Intelligence Gathering after I am done with the other 2. I get some pretty good gold from these.
I headed over to K3 and did Overstock. This is a fast, easy quest that causes no damage, no repairs, and gets you 12g96s. It only takes a couple minutes and you're on your way. I never miss this one if I am in the area. All you have to do is lay out mines and kill invaders when they run over them. I lay all mine out in one area they seem to funnel through and it only takes a couple minutes to get the 12 I need.
I was off to do my daily's for The Sons of Hodir after that. I do 5 of the 6 available there, Blowing Hodir's Horn, Hot and Cold, Polishing the Helm, Spy Hunter and Feeding Arngrim. The one I don't do is Thrusting Hodir's Spear. I skip that one because there is way too much time and effort involved in that one for the reward you get. I have never done it in it's entirety and I hear people complaining about it all the time. The general opinion seems to be don't waste your time. I'll go along with that. I got my 5 out of the way pretty quick, turned them in and got my gold. These pay pretty well also.
I got back on a little bit later and did the daily cooking and fishing in Outlands. Today the cooking was Soup for the Soul and the fishing was The One That Got Away, nice and close to each other. I didn't get anything worth mentioning from those, aside from 5
Sharpened Fish Hooks which I can use, but I did get Sinister Squashling, which is a companion, when I went trick or treating in Duskwood. That's one more to my pet collection.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Daily's Cont... 10/27/09
I got back on Wranngar a little later and did some more daily's.
I did all my daily's for The Sons of Hodir, Blowing Hodir's Horn, Hot and Cold, Polishing the Helm, Spy Hunter and Feeding Arngrim. These, as usual, did not take me long. I think the longest part of these is getting all the Essence of Ice I need for Hot and Cold. I am realizing now that I am putting in the photo's how few I have for The Sons of Hodir. I will have to make a note to get more as I go along.
I did Overstock in K3 which is always a fast easy one. This one takes a few minutes, causes no damage you need to repair, and gets you 12g96s. I always do this one if I am in the area.
I did all my daily's for the Knights of the Ebon Blade with the exception of Intelligence Gathering. I got some keys, opened some chests, but as usual I didn't get any documents. The ones I did do were Leave Our Mark, Vile Like Fire!, Shoot 'Em Up, From Their Corpses, Rise! and No Fly Zone. This don't take long either and get me some decent gold.
I got more gold from all the crap I looted off everything I killed which is always nice. I loot everything I kill and make an extra 20-30 gold a day, when I do all my daily's, just from that.

I did Overstock in K3 which is always a fast easy one. This one takes a few minutes, causes no damage you need to repair, and gets you 12g96s. I always do this one if I am in the area.

I got more gold from all the crap I looted off everything I killed which is always nice. I loot everything I kill and make an extra 20-30 gold a day, when I do all my daily's, just from that.
Daily's 10/27/09

I got on Wranngar today and just did the daily cooking and fishing. Today the cooking was Cheese for Glowergold, no surprise there, that's what it's been the last 5 or 6 times I have done it. It is getting pretty old I'll tell you what. That is my least favorite daily cooking. The fishing today, from Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, was Monsterbelly Appetite. That's the same one I did last time I did the daily fishing too. At least that one's not bad, not as bad as Cheese for Glowergold.
I got the cooking out of the way first as usual. It took me a little while today to get it done as I got it around 1:30, just a half hour after the daily's roll over and who knows when the server came back up, they were doing maintenance today. It took me awhile to get the 6 Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses as everyone seemed to be doing it at the same time. I finally got the 6 I needed and got the piece of Aged Dalaran Limburger right off when I went to the wine and cheese shop looking for glasses. I combined them on the platter provided, by right clicking on it while I had all the ingredients in my bag, and headed over to see Glowergold. He gave me 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 5 Northern Spices in it. Not a bad haul today.
I was off to Unu'pe next to do the daily fishing. I took the flight path over there and headed out to the icebergs off shore. I found a school of Monsterbelly's pretty quick but it disappeared after my first cast. I found another one right near it and got my Bloated Monsterbelly on the first cast from that one. I headed back to Dalaran to hand it in. When I got there I went to see Olisarra the Kind, (36,37) the Grand Master First Aid Trainer in the Magus Commerce Exchange and gave her the Severed Arm, she is going to attempt to reunite it with the fisherman who lost it. Good luck there, it looked pretty digested to me. Anyway she gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures for my trouble that had 10g74s40c, 2 Elixir of Water Walking and a Tower Key which I sold to a vendor for 16g66s66c. Not a bad haul for this one either.

Friday, October 23, 2009
It's Halloween in World of Warcraft
I did a couple daily's on Wranngar today, but I spent most my time running around to all the Inns getting candy and the 6g63s that goes with it. Believe it or not I made over 160 gold off just trick or treating.
The daily's I did were the daily cooking in Dalaran which was Cheese for Glowergold again. It seems like every time I do it lately that's what it is. There were A LOT of people on when I logged on and I thought it was going to take me forever to get it done but none of them were doing the daily cooking apparently.
It didn't take me long at all to get the 6 Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses I needed, and when I ran over to One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran, the Aged Dalaran Limburger was sitting right there waiting for me. I combined the wine and cheese on the platter that was supplied to me when I picked up the quest, by right clicking on the platter, then delivered it to Ranid Glowergold (36,28) at the Leatherworkers in the Magus Commerce Exchange. He gave me 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 4 Northern Spices in it. Hardly worth the little bit of time it took...
I skipped the daily fishing today, Dangerously Delicious, because I just didn't want to deal with it. Instead I headed to Shattrath and did the daily cooking and fishing there which was Super Hot Stew and Felblood Fillet. I didn't get anything worth mentioning from either of those.
I hit a few Inns there, in Outlands, then headed back to the Dark Portal and hit A LOT of Inns in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. That is where I got most the gold. I did hit 2 in Dalaran but that was about all I hit in Northrend. Maybe tomorrow, or the next time I get on, I will run around Northrend and hit those. Maybe, maybe not.
The daily's I did were the daily cooking in Dalaran which was Cheese for Glowergold again. It seems like every time I do it lately that's what it is. There were A LOT of people on when I logged on and I thought it was going to take me forever to get it done but none of them were doing the daily cooking apparently.

I skipped the daily fishing today, Dangerously Delicious, because I just didn't want to deal with it. Instead I headed to Shattrath and did the daily cooking and fishing there which was Super Hot Stew and Felblood Fillet. I didn't get anything worth mentioning from either of those.

Friday, October 16, 2009
Today's Daily's 10/16/09
I got on Wranngar today and got all my daily's done on him, then I hopped on Gomorra and did the daily cooking and fishing on him which was my least favorite cooking again, Cheese for Glowergold, and Monsterbelly Appetite for the daily fishing.
I got the cooking out of the way first. I had to run all over Dalaran getting Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses which really didn't take me long today. Once I had all those I needed I was off to One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop there in Dalaran. I got the Aged Dalaran Limburger I needed pretty quick on both and combined the wine and cheese on the platter supplied to make a wine and cheese platter. With that in hand I headed over to see Ranid Glowergold (36,28) at the Leatherworkers in the Magus Commerce Exchange. He gave me 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag on each.
Wrann's Small Spice Bag had 4 Northern Spices in it, he got screwed today.
Gom's Small Spice Bag had 2 Northern Spices and another Dalaran Cooking Award in it, he made out a little better than Wrann.
I was off to Un'upe for the daily fishing after that. I took the flightpath over there and headed out to the icebergs to find a Monsterbelly School. I got my Bloated Monsterbelly on the second cast on Wrann and the third cast on Gom. I headed back to hand those in to Olisarra the Kind, (36,37) the Grand Master First Aid Trainer in the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran in exchange for a couple Bags of Fishing Treasures.
Wrann's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g64c, 3 Pygmy Oil, 3 Deviate Fish, a Runic Mana Potion and a Sealed Vial of Poison. Sealed Vial of Poison starts a quest to go down into the Underbelly, the sewers below Dalaran, and deliver it to Alchemist Cinesra. That only takes a minute and gets you 13g23s, not a bad deal at all.
Gom's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 9g45s70c, 3 Pygmy Oil, a Tower Key, which I sold to a vendor for 16g66s66c, and 4 Deviate Fish. I guess they both made out ok on this one today.
I was off to The Shadow Vault next to do my Knights of the Ebon Blade daily's after that. I got Leave Our Mark, Vile Like Fire! and Shoot 'Em Up there, then headed over to Death's Rise to grab From Their Corpses, Rise!. No Fly Zone and Intelligence Gathering. I got these out of the way pretty quick including Intelligence Gathering which I stuck around for afterward and collected all the documents. Blizzard really needs to up the drop rate on the documents, first you have to kill something to get the key, then you have to find and open the chests. You are lucky if you get one in 5.
I was off to K3 from there to do Overstock. I can't stress enough how fast and easy this quest is to do and it gets you 12g96s for a couple minutes of your time. You don't have to fight anything and there is no contact so you don't have any repairs to pay for afterward, it is all profit. I got that done in a couple minutes as usual and I was off to do my daily's for The Sons of Hodir.
The ones I do for The Sons of Hodir are Blowing Hodir's Horn, Hot and Cold, Polishing the Helm, Spy Hunter and Feeding Arngrim. There is one more that I never do, Thrusting Hodir's Spear. I don't think it is worth the time and effort you have to go though for what it pays. The ones I do don't take me very long at all, about a half hour, and I get some pretty good gold from them as well as meat and leather from looting and skinning. I got a piece of Artic Fur today from one of the mobs I skinned.
All in all I made around 250 gold today from these daily's, drops, and the rewards I sold.

Wrann's Small Spice Bag had 4 Northern Spices in it, he got screwed today.
Gom's Small Spice Bag had 2 Northern Spices and another Dalaran Cooking Award in it, he made out a little better than Wrann.

Wrann's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g64c, 3 Pygmy Oil, 3 Deviate Fish, a Runic Mana Potion and a Sealed Vial of Poison. Sealed Vial of Poison starts a quest to go down into the Underbelly, the sewers below Dalaran, and deliver it to Alchemist Cinesra. That only takes a minute and gets you 13g23s, not a bad deal at all.
Gom's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 9g45s70c, 3 Pygmy Oil, a Tower Key, which I sold to a vendor for 16g66s66c, and 4 Deviate Fish. I guess they both made out ok on this one today.

All in all I made around 250 gold today from these daily's, drops, and the rewards I sold.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Daily's 10/15/09
I got on Wranngar tonight and did all my daily's. The cooking today was Cheese for Glowergold again, my least favorite. I have gotten that one the last 3 times I have done the daily cooking. The daily fishing was Jewel Of The Sewers. Neither took me very long today.
I did the cooking first. That had me running around Dalaran looking for Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses. I got 4 of them in the Inn and 2 more in The Legerdemain. After that all I had to do was run over to the wine and cheese shop and get the Aged Dalaran Limburger, I found it upstairs as soon as I got there. I combined the wine and cheese on the platter supplied to me and delivered it to Ranid Glowergold (36,28) at the Leatherworkers in the Magus Commerce Exchange in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 4 Northern Spices and 4 Baby Spice in it. Not a bad haul.
I did the fishing next which had me heading down into the Underbelly, the sewers below Dalaran. I headed over to my spot in the Black Market and got my piece of Corroded Jewelry on the second cast. I think that is the fastest I have even gotten it. I headed back topside and turned it over to Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran in exchange for a Bag of Fishing Treasures. Today my Bag of Fishing Treasures had 8g34s53c, a Glow Worm, an Unusual Compass, which I sold to a vendor for 2 gold, and 4 Deviate Fish. Not a bad haul I guess but I have certainly had better.
I headed over to the Shadow Vault after that to get my Knights of the Ebon Blade daily's. I got those and the ones at Death's Rise done pretty quick and turned in. These usually don't take me long and pay some pretty good gold. The ones I did were Leave Our Mark, Vile Like Fire!, Shoot 'Em Up, From Their Corpses, Rise!, No Fly Zone and Intelligence Gathering. I finally got all the documents I needed so I could turn in Intelligence Gathering. Someone was doing Shoot 'Em Up when I got there to do that so I waited. It was one of those people that are all over the place, shooting harpoons in every direction. I just waited until they were done as they usually tag a bunch of them but don't kill them. Then when I kill them they get credit. It took them quite awhile to get the 15 they needed then I went and did it, it took me less than 2 minutes.
I took the public transportation to K3 after that and did Overstock, a really fast easy one that pays 12g93s. I try to never miss it when I am doing daily's, especially if I am doing The Sons of Hodir as it is right on the way.
You guessed it, I went over and did my daily's for The Sons of Hodir after that. I did Blowing Hodir's Horn, Hot and Cold, Polishing the Helm, Spy Hunter and Feeding Arngrim. These don't take long at all and pay pretty well. All in all I got over 200 gold from these daily's today.

I took the public transportation to K3 after that and did Overstock, a really fast easy one that pays 12g93s. I try to never miss it when I am doing daily's, especially if I am doing The Sons of Hodir as it is right on the way.
You guessed it, I went over and did my daily's for The Sons of Hodir after that. I did Blowing Hodir's Horn, Hot and Cold, Polishing the Helm, Spy Hunter and Feeding Arngrim. These don't take long at all and pay pretty well. All in all I got over 200 gold from these daily's today.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Daily Fishing and Cooking 10/13/09
I only had time today to jump on quick and do the daily fishing and cooking on Wranngar. The daily cooking was Cheese for Glowergold, my least favorite, and the fishing was Blood Is Thicker which is a pretty easy one if not a little time consuming with the travel.
I did the cooking first. It didn't go as fast as the last time I did it, it took me a little while to get the 6 Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses but I got the Aged Dalaran Limburger as soon as I went into the wine and cheese shop.
I combined the wine and cheese on the platter supplied to me, by right clicking on it, and delivered it to Ranid Glowergold (36,28) at the Leatherworkers in the Magus Commerce Exchange in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 2 Northern Spices in it. Hardly worth logging in for that.
I did the cooking first. It didn't go as fast as the last time I did it, it took me a little while to get the 6 Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses but I got the Aged Dalaran Limburger as soon as I went into the wine and cheese shop.

Sunday, October 11, 2009
More Daily's 10/11/09
I got on both Wranngar and Gomorra today and did some daily's. I only did the daily cooking, which was Cheese for Glowergold, and the daily fishing, which was Jewel Of The Sewers again, on Gomorra today but I did those plus my Knights of the Ebon Blade and The Sons of Hodir daily's on Wranngar.
Cheese for Glowergold didn't take long at all today. I got the 6 Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses I needed on Wrann right in the Inn and got 4 of the 6 I needed for Gom in the Inn also. I got the other 2 at the wine and cheese shop. I got the Aged Dalaran Limburger right away when I got to the cheese shop on both too.
Once I had all the ingredients I combined them on the supplied platter, by right clicking on it, and delivered it to Ranid Glowergold (36,28) at the Leatherworkers in the Magus Commerce Exchange. He gave me 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 3 Northern Spices and another Dalaran Cooking Award for Gom and 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 3 Northern Spices and 3 Old Spices for Wrann. Not a bad day for either of them today.
I did the daily fishing after that which had me heading down into the sewers below Dalaran, into the Underbelly. I headed over to my spot in the Black Market and got the piece of Corroded Jewelry pretty quick on both, 10 casts on Wrann and 7 casts on Gom. I turned them in to Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran in exchange for a couple Bags of Fishing Treasures.
Wrann's had 10g24s76c, 3 Pygmy Oil and a Worthless Piece of Green Glass in it.
Gom's had 7g25s55c, 2 Elixirs of Water Walking, 3 Solid Gold Coins and 4 Deviate Fish in it. Neither of them had anything to write home about there.
I was off on Wrann after that to do my daily's for the Knights of the Ebon Blade. I got them out of the way pretty quick with the exception of Intelligence Gathering which I didn't even get a single document for today even though I opened 6 chests..... The ones I did do were Leave Our Mark, Vile Like Fire!, Shoot 'Em Up, From Their Corpses, Rise! and No Fly Zone. These don't take too long and pay pretty well.
I was off to K3 after that to do Overstock. As usual this only took me a couple minutes and got me 12g96s before I was off to do my Sons of Hodir daily's.
I did Blowing Hodir's Horn, Hot and Cold, Polishing the Helm, Spy Hunter and Feeding Arngrim for them. These went really quick today and I got some good gold from them. It is really starting to add up now so Blizzard will probably reset my password for someone who they figure needs the gold more than I do.....
I am going to try and get Gom more involved in the daily's again to recover some of the gold I lost when I was hacked but I really don't have anything I need to buy right now. There is another expansion coming and you never know what that will have to spend your gold on.

Wrann's had 10g24s76c, 3 Pygmy Oil and a Worthless Piece of Green Glass in it.
Gom's had 7g25s55c, 2 Elixirs of Water Walking, 3 Solid Gold Coins and 4 Deviate Fish in it. Neither of them had anything to write home about there.

I was off to K3 after that to do Overstock. As usual this only took me a couple minutes and got me 12g96s before I was off to do my Sons of Hodir daily's.

I am going to try and get Gom more involved in the daily's again to recover some of the gold I lost when I was hacked but I really don't have anything I need to buy right now. There is another expansion coming and you never know what that will have to spend your gold on.
Daily's 10/10/09
I got on Wranngar tonight/early this morning and got my daily's for the 10th out of the way. I did the daily cooking and fishing first. The daily cooking today was Sewer Stew and the daily fishing was Jewel Of The Sewers. A couple easy ones.
The cooking had me heading down to Crystalsong Forest. I took the portal down and headed over to the spot by the ruins directly under Dalaran. There was only one other person there picking Crystalsong Carrots so it took me less than 2 minutes to get the 4 I needed. I headed back to dalaran, using the portal, and got 4 pieces of Chilled Meat out of the guild bank to complete the ingredients. I cooked up my stew and delivered it to Ajay Green at the Cantrips and Crows Tavern in the Underbelly in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with another Dalaran Cooking Award and 4 Northern Spices in it. Not a bad haul.
Since I was in the sewers I headed over to my spot in the Black Market to fish up a piece of Corroded Jewelry for the daily fishing. It took me 9 casts to get it today, not bad. I headed back to Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran to turn it in. She gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures for my trouble. That had 8g9s85c, 4 Pygmy Oil, 5 Solid Gold Coins and 2 Deviate Fish in it. Not the best return on that one today.
I was off to the Shadow Vault after that, to do my daily's for the Knights of the Ebon Blade. I got my daily's there and headed over to Deaths Rise for those. Once I had them I did them all except Intelligence Gathering. I only got one document today. The ones I did do were: Leave Our Mark, Vile Like Fire!, Shoot 'Em Up, From Their Corpses, Rise! and No Fly Zone. These don't take long as long as you don't waste time trying to get all the documents every day. Out of all the keys I got and all the chests I opened I only got one document..... They need to up the drop rate on this one a little.
From there I headed over to K3 to do Overstock. This is a quick and easy one and as usual it only took me a few minutes and got me 12g96s before I was off to do my daily's for The Sons of Hodir.
For The Sons of Hodir I did Blowing Hodir's Horn, Hot and Cold, Polishing the Helm, Spy Hunter and Feeding Arngrim. There is one more, Thrusting Hodir's Spear, that I never do because I think it is a waste of time and effort for the return. These didn't take me long either.
All in all I made over a couple hundred gold today, it is starting to add up again. I learned my lesson, if Blizzard can't, or won't, do something about their security I am not going to put a lot of gold in the guild bank because it is only a matter of time before I will be hacked again. I will put some gold in there weekly as needed.

From there I headed over to K3 to do Overstock. This is a quick and easy one and as usual it only took me a few minutes and got me 12g96s before I was off to do my daily's for The Sons of Hodir.

All in all I made over a couple hundred gold today, it is starting to add up again. I learned my lesson, if Blizzard can't, or won't, do something about their security I am not going to put a lot of gold in the guild bank because it is only a matter of time before I will be hacked again. I will put some gold in there weekly as needed.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Daily's 10/9/09
I got on Wranngar this morning and did my daily's before they rolled over. I did the daily cooking, which was Mustard Dogs!, but I didn't bother with the daily fishing, which was Dangerously Delicious, I didn't want to be bothered with that. Instead I went and farmed some Rhino Meat for the guild bank.
The daily cooking went fast, I got 2 Wild Mustard behind the Inn, one by the twisted sisters shop where I get my reagents and one over by the other bank. Then all I had to do was run back to the bank and get 4 pieces of Rhino Meat and make some Rhino Dogs. Once I had those I just combined them with the Wild Mustard in the basket provided by right clicking on it and I had my Mustard Dog Basket!. I headed over and delivered that to Archmage Pentarus (68,41) at Krasus' Landing in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 3 Northern Spices, 4 Baby Spice and another Dalaran Cooking Award in it. Not a bad haul on the cooking today at all.
I headed over to the Shadow Vault from there and did my daily's for the Knights of the Ebon Blade. I did Leave Our Mark, Vile Like Fire!, Shoot 'Em Up, From Their Corpses, Rise!, No Fly Zone and handed in Intelligence Gathering from yesterday. These didn't take long at all today, Intelligence Gathering is the one that takes up the time. I usually only hand that one in every few days when I finally get enough documents.
From there I was off to K3 to do Overstock. As usual this one only took me a couple minutes and got me 12g96s.
I did my daily's for The Sons of Hodir after that. These didn't take long today either, there was really no one around while I was doing any of the daily's, I hit it at just the right time. I did Blowing Hodir's Horn, Hot and Cold, Polishing the Helm, Spy Hunter and Feeding Arngrim for them.
All in all these didn't take me long today and I made around 235 gold. I am going to try to get on again this afternoon when the daily's roll over and do them all again.

From there I was off to K3 to do Overstock. As usual this one only took me a couple minutes and got me 12g96s.

All in all these didn't take me long today and I made around 235 gold. I am going to try to get on again this afternoon when the daily's roll over and do them all again.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Daily's 10/8/09
I got on Wranngar for a while tonight and did some daily's. I actually had fun doing them, something I haven't had playing this game since my account got hacked. I did the daily cooking, which was Infused Mushroom Meatloaf, the daily fishing, which was The Ghostfish, along with all my daily's for The Sons of Hodir and the Knights of the Ebon Blade.
I got the daily cooking out of the way first. That had me heading down into the sewers below Dalaran in search of Infused Mushrooms. It didn't take me long at all to get the 4 I needed then I was off to the bank to get the 2 pieces of Chilled Meat I needed to make my meatloaf. Once I had the meatloaf made I delivered it to Orton Bennet upstairs at Curiosities and Moore in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 3 Northern Spices, 5 Baby Spice and another Dalaran Cooking Award in it. Not too bad a haul today.
After that I was off to Rivers Heart in the Sholazar Basin to catch the elusive Phantom Ghostfish. This also went pretty quick and I had my Ghostfish in less than 10 casts. I headed back to Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran to tell her I solved the mystery and pick up my Bag of Fishing Treasures. Today it had 9g37s5c, a Glow Worm, 3 Deviate Fish and a Sealed Vial of Poison which started another quest. Not a bad day of fishing either.
I opened the Sealed Vial of Poison and got the quest to deliver it to Alchemist Cinesra in the Black Market down in the underbelly. He gave me 13g23s for that and it only took a few seconds. I like getting this one because it is good gold for almost no time or effort.
Having that done I headed over to K3 and got Overstock. This is a really fast and easy quest and I recommend you do it every day if you can get it. It only takes a few minutes and pays 12g96s.
I was off to see The Sons of Hodir after that. I did Blowing Hodir's Horn, Hot and Cold, Polishing the Helm, Spy Hunter and Feeding Arngrim for them. These don't take too long and pay some pretty good gold. If you are unable to do the daily's for The Sons of Hodir check out this post to see how to get the rep you need: Unlocking The Sons of Hodir Daily's.
I did my daily's for the Knights of the Ebon Blade after that. These are some more that don't take too long and pay pretty well. For them I did Leave Our Mark, Vile Like Fire!, Shoot 'Em Up, From Their Corpses, Rise!, No Fly Zone and Intelligence Gathering. Unfortunately one of the Intel Documents ended up in the bank from when my account was hacked, due to Blizzards piss-poor security, and I was unable to hand it in, I will hand it in tomorrow or the next time I am on.
All in all I had a pretty good time doing them today and will probably start playing a little more.

I opened the Sealed Vial of Poison and got the quest to deliver it to Alchemist Cinesra in the Black Market down in the underbelly. He gave me 13g23s for that and it only took a few seconds. I like getting this one because it is good gold for almost no time or effort.
Having that done I headed over to K3 and got Overstock. This is a really fast and easy quest and I recommend you do it every day if you can get it. It only takes a few minutes and pays 12g96s.

All in all I had a pretty good time doing them today and will probably start playing a little more.
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